- Yes. It is absolutely legal to buy cigarettes online.
- 100%. We sell only genuine products produced by brand manufacturers. There is no sense for us to resell fake cigarettes as soon as original cigarettes cost cheap in our source countries.
The only con is that texts on some cigarette packs are coming in Eastern European languages. Generally, cartons and packs have original packaging, seals and wraps. All of our products have been made fresh and are ok with expiry dates.
- It is up to you. Actually products packed discreetly without any indication to content. Parcel description is neutral as well. Orders are delivered to your address by postal service. We do not take any responsibility for any taxes and/or duties.
- We do not disclose or sell any information provided by our customers to third parties for any reason whatsoever. We use this data only for processing orders and offers.
- Shipment is dispatched only after your payment is cleared at our account. Minimal ordering/shipping unit is one carton. You can find shipping rates and timing here.
- We ship worldwide.
- At the moment we accept bank card and wire transfers. There are 2-4 days needed until your payment is landed and cleared. As soon as payment is approved we dispatch the shipment.
- We accept Euros, US dollars, CAD and AUD. However, our default currency is GBP. Therefore, from time to time slight price differences may occur for other currencies.
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